Crowe Scholarships
2023-24 Community and Environmental Sociology Department Awards Committee: Josh Garoon and Nan Enstad.
Crowe Scholarship Fund
Adopted 2/04/2013, amended 4/03/2017, 4/2/2018, 3/2/2020, & 3/6/2023
The UW Board of Regents accepted a bequest to establish the Evelyn T. Crowe Scholarship Fund in July 1986, for “Scholarships in Rural Sociology.” Evelyn T. Crowe was an undergraduate major in what was known then as “rural sociology” in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and wished to recognize her appreciation for her excellent education by establishing this scholarship for undergraduates and graduate students in our department. In June 2003, the University of Wisconsin Foundation received an additional bequest from the estate of Evelyn T. Crowe for the same purpose—providing scholarship support to “rural sociology” students. We recognize her wishes by inviting applications from undergraduates who major in Community and Environmental Sociology and from graduate students who are advised by faculty members in our department.
- Applicants must be current students in good standing at the UW-Madison.
- Undergraduate applicants must be registered as Community and Environmental Sociology (CES) majors.
- Graduate applicants must be advised by a faculty member in CES.
- Applicants will normally be full-time students as determined by CALS or the Graduate School.
- Recipients may be either U.S. or non-U.S. citizens.
- Recipients may be either new or continuing students.
- In most circumstances (see details below), recipients may have other sources of funding.
All awards are subject to approval by the CES Executive Committee.
Application materials for 2024 should be sent to Professor Josh Garoon through Megan Banaszak, Department of Community & Environmental Sociology, 350 Agriculture Hall, 1450 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706,
I. Undergraduate Awards. Undergraduate support is a high priority. However, collectively, undergraduates shall not receive more than one-half of all the scholarship funds available in a given year. Scholarly merit and student progress are the deciding factors for granting awards, with the exception of E below.
A. Undergraduate Research Scholarship
C. Undergraduate Educational Activities
D. Evelyn Crowe Outstanding Senior Award
F. Memberships to a Professional Society
G. Undergraduate Conference Scholarship
II. Graduate Student Awards. Scholarly merit and student progress are the deciding factors for granting graduate awards.
B. Memberships to a Professional Society (Grads)
C. Tuition Remission Surcharge
D. Pre-Dissertation Research Award
F. Grad Student Thesis/Dissertation Research
University Finacial Assistance
Office of Finacial Aid
The Office of Finacial Aid is the home base for students to learn about the cost of attendance, available aid types, how and where to apply, and other resources relating to students’ financial needs.
Complete the FAFSA each year to qualify for federal, state, and university aid opportunities. Explore resources provided by UW-Madison to help with your application.
The Wisconsin Scholarship Hub is a listing of scholarship opportunities available to students with information about the applications, deadlines, eligibility criteria, award amounts, donors, and more. Please sign in with your NetID and complete the brief General Application to begin applying for scholarships.
Badger FARE Program
The Dean of Students Office in collaboration with the Division of Continuing Studies works to connect students who are dealing with temporary and ongoing food insecurity with funds that they can immediately use to purchase food on campus.
Campus & Community Assistance
Day-to-day expenses like food, clothing, and rent can make it challenging for students to make ends meet. There are many campus resources and student organizations available at no cost to all students. You’re not alone. There are teams of people to support your success on campus.
Basic Needs Support
Basic Needs support offers dedicated resources to assist students in gaining access to food, housing, and insurance to promote overall wellness while attending UW-Madison. We have Basic Needs Assistants ready to support in getting students connected to resources including programs such as Foodshare and Badgercare, as well as getting connected to different food pantry’s or other resources.