(608) 890-1900Office Location
316B Agricultural Hall
1450 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
More Information
Dr. Katherine J. Curtis is Buttel-Sewell Professor of Community & Environmental Sociology and the Director of the Center for Demography & Ecology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her work is centered in demography and extends to spatial, environmental, rural, and applied demography, and focuses on two central themes: population-environment interactions, most centrally the relationship between demographic, economic, and environmental forces; and spatial and temporal dimensions of social and economic inequality, most centrally historical and local forces perpetuating racial disparities. In her work, Curtis adopts place-based theoretical frameworks and employs advanced spatial and spatio-temporal statistical approaches to analyze questions about inequality, which has profound and far-reaching impacts on population wellbeing. Current projects focus on spatial differentiation in migration and fertility responses to environmental events (NICHD and NSF), age- and race-specific net migration (NICHD), and rural livelihoods and spatial connectedness (USDA).
Research and Outreach Centers:
Applied Population Laboratory (APL)
Center for Demography and Ecology (CDE)
Center for Demography of Health and Aging (CDHA)
Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)
Rural Population Research Network (RPRN)
Project Sites:
Changes in the Legacy of Slavery Relationship
Agriculture, Conservation, and Community Resilience in Montana’s Northern Great Plains
Net Migration Patterns for US Counties
C&E Soc 140: Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology
C&E Soc 578: Poverty and Place
C&E Soc 645: Modern American Communities
C&E Soc 676: Applied Demography for Community Development & Programming
C&E Soc 875: Special Topics–“Spatial Thinking”
C&E Soc 977: Spatial Sociology
Soc 997: Demography Seminar “DemSem”