Education: Ph.D., 1981, University of Florida
- The Politics of Value. University of Chicago Press, 2017
- Both Hands Tied: Welfare Reform and the Race to the Bottom in the Low-Wage Labor Market. The University of Chicago Press, 2010
- New Landscapes of Inequality: Neoliberalism and the Erosion of Democracy in America. SAR Press, 2008
- Threads: Gender, Labor and Power in the Global Apparel Industry. University of Chicago Press, 2003
- Reading National Geographic (with Catherine Lutz. University of Chicago Press, 1993
- Work Without Wages: Comparative Studies of Domestic Labor and Self-Employment (edited with Martha Gimenez). SUNY Press, 1990
- Unseasonal Migrations: The Effects of Rural Labor Scarcity in Peru. Princeton University Press, 1988
- Collins, J. The semi-proletarian lifestyle in the twenty-first century: multiple jobholding, precarity, and anti-work in the U.S. Dialect Anthropol (2024).
- 2023. “ Revaluing work after COVID-19.” Anthropology of Work Review . XLIV (1): 25–37.
- State Phobia, Then and Now: Three Waves of Conflict over Wisconsin’s Public Sector, 1930-2013, Social Science History 41 (Winter 2017): 1-24 (with Jake Carlson).
- Jane Collins and Walker Kahn, The hijacking of a new corporate form? Benefit corporations and corporate personhood. Economy and Society (2016), 1-26 [445 kb pdf]
- Expanding the Labor Theory of Value. Dialectical Anthropology, 2016. [701 kb pdf]
- Wal-Mart, American consumer citizenship, and the 2008 recession. Focaal—Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 61 (2011): 107–116 [104 kb pdf]
- Theorizing Wisconsin’s 2011 Protests: Community-based unionism confronts accumulation by dispossession. American Ethnologist, 2012: Volume 39 Issue 1, Pages 6-20 [594 kb pdf]
- One Big Labor Market: The New Imperialism and Worker Vulnerability, Pp. 280-299 in Rethinking America: The Imperial Homeland in the 21st Century, Jeff Maskovsky and Ida Susser, eds. Paradigm Publishers, 2009. [1335 kb pdf]
- The Age of Wal-Mart, Pp. 97-112 in The Insecure American: How We Got Here and What We Should Do About It, Hugh Gusterson and Catherine Besteman, eds. The University of California Press, 2009 [1170 kb pdf]
- The Specter of Slavery: Workfare and the Economic Citizenship of Poor Women, Pp. 131-53 in New Landscapes of Inequality, Jane Collins, Micaela di Leonardo and Brett Williams, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press, 2008 [1512 kb pdf]
- Re-defining the Boundaries of Work: Apparel Workers and Community Unionism in the Global Economy, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2006). [3221 kb pdf]
- Jane Collins and Amy Quark, Globalizing Firms and Small Communities: The Apparel Industry’s Changing Connection to Rural Labor Markets. Rural Sociology, Vol. 71, No. 2 (June 2006):281-310. [2582 kb pdf]
- New Directions in Commodity Chain Analysis of Global Development Processes. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Vol. 11 (2005) [3398 kb pdf]
- Mapping a Global Labor Market: Gender and Skill in the Globalizing Garment Industry, Gender and Society, Vol. 16, No.6 (December 2002): 921-940. [2265 kb pdf]
- Deterritorialization and Workplace Culture. American Ethnologist, January 2002: Volume 29 Issue 1, Pages 151-171 [1693 kb pdf]
- Flexible Specialization in the Garment Industry. Competition and Change 5:165-200 (2001). [4716 kb pdf]
- Tracing Social Relations in Commodity Chains: The Case of Grapes in Brazil. In Commodities and Globalization: Anthropological Perspectives, Angelique Haugerud, Peter Little and Priscilla Stone, eds. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. [416 kb pdf]
- Jane Collins and Greta Krippner, Permanent Labor Contracts in Agriculture: Flexibility and Subordination in a New Export Crop. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 41, No. 3, (July 1999): 510-534. [2751 kb pdf]
- Transnational Labor Process and Gender Relations: Women in Fruit and Vegetable Production in Chile, Brazil and Mexico. Journal of Latin American Anthropology Vol 1, No. 1 (1995). [1973]
- Gender, Contracts and Wage Work: Agricultural Restructuring in Brazil’s Sao Francisco Valley. Development and Change, Vol. 24 (1993). [2689 kb pdf]
C&E Soc 140: Introduction to Community & Environmental Sociology
C&E Soc 340: Issues in Food Systems
C&E Soc 341: Labor in Global Food Systems
C&E Soc 540: Sociology of Environment, Development and Sustainability
C&E Soc 940: Commodities in the Global Economy
Soc 955: Ethnographic Case Studies