C&E SOC 103 – Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agricultureexpand_more
Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems within a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships.
Requisites: None | 3 Credits.
Taught by Michael Bell, Claudio Gratton, and Randy Jackson.
- LEC 002 – R, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 5206 Sewell Social Sciences
Choose ONE of eight discussion sections:
- DIS 311 – F, 12:45PM – 2:00PM
- 128 Plant Sciences
- DIS 312 – R, 4:00PM – 5:15PM
- 128 Plant Sciences
- DIS 313 – F, 12:30PM – 1:45PM
- 462 Moore Hall
- DIS 314 – F, 9:50AM – 11:05AM
- 462 Moore Hall
- DIS 315 – R, 5:30PM – 6:45PM
- 247 Plant Sciences
- DIS 316 – F, 11:15AM – 12:30PM
- 128 Plant Sciences
- DIS 318 – R, 4:10PM – 5:25PM
- 247 Plant Sciences
- DIS 319 – F, 2:25PM – 3:40PM
- 128 Plant Sciences
C&E SOC 140: Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociologyexpand_more
Sociological examination of the linkages between the social and biophysical dimensions of the environment. Key topics include community organizing, local food systems, energy transitions, environmental justice, resource dependence, and sustainable development.
Requisites: None | 4 Credits.
Taught by Michaela Hoffelmeyer and Rebecca Laurent.
- LEC 001 – TR, 11:00AM – 12:15PM
- 1520 Microbial Sciences
Choose ONE of four discussion sections:
- DIS 301 – R, 1:20PM – 2:10PM
- B235 Van Vleck Hall
- DIS 303 – R, 2:25PM – 3:15PM
- 10 Agricultural Hall
- DIS 305 – F, 11:00AM – 11:50AM
- 38 Agricultural Hall
- DIS 306 – F, 12:05PM – 12:55PM
- 38 Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 210: Survey of Sociologyexpand_more
Introduction to the field of American sociology, its subfields and specialized areas of research, theoretical traditions and research methods.
Requisites: Satisfied Communications A requirement. Not open to students with credit for SOC 181 or SOC/C&E SOC 211 | 3-4 Credits.
Taught by Nicholas Pedriana, Reena Maali, and Taylor Barrett.
- LEC 001 – TR, 1:20PM – 2:10PM
- 5106 Sewell Social Sciences
Choose ONE of six discussion sections:
- DIS 301 – MW, 9:55AM – 10:45AM
- 6314 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 302 – MW, 11:00AM – 11:50AM
- 6314 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 303 – MW, 12:05PM – 12:55PM
- 6314 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 304 – MW, 1:20PM – 2:10PM
- 6314 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 305 – TR, 8:50AM – 9:40AM
- 6117 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 306 – TR, 9:55AM- 10:45AM
- 6117 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 211: The Sociological Enterpriseexpand_more
Basic principles and definitions of sociology. Readings and discussion of the perspectives of sociology, the individual and society, groups and social process, stratification, organizations and power, demography, and social change.
Requisites: Not open to students with credit for SOC 181 or SOC/C&E SOC 210 | 3 Credits.
Taught by Natalia Savelyeva.
Choose ONE of two lecture sections:
- LEC 002 – TR, 11:00AM – 12:15PM
- 1175 Grainger Hall
- LEC 003 – TR, 1:00PM – 2:15M
- 1125 Nancy Nicholas Hall
C&E SOC 245: Technology and Societyexpand_more
Covers technology, the social forces shaping its development, and social impacts of its adoption. Examine one’s assumptions about technology and its relationship to society.
Requisites: None | 3 Credits.
Taught by Dan Seel.
- SEM 001 – TR, 9:30AM – 10:45AM
- 290 Nutritional Sciences
C&E SOC 248: Environment, Natural Resources, and Societyexpand_more
Introduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives.
Requisites: None | 3 Credits.
Taught by Sarah Rios.
- LEC 001 – TR, 1:00PM – 2:15PM
- 10 Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 299: Independent Studyexpand_more
Research work for students under direct guidance of a faculty member in an area of Community and Environmental Sociology. Students are responsible for arranging the work and credits with the supervising instructor.
Requisites: Consent of instructor | 1-3 Credits.
- IND 075 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Randy Stoecker.
C&E SOC 340: Issues in Food Systemsexpand_more
With primary emphasis on the U.S., the course covers social, economic and biological dimensions of food systems. Using classroom and community experience, the course combines academic approaches with practitioner knowledge. A community project is required.
Requisites: SOC 140, C&E SOC/SOC 181, 210, or 211 | 3-4 Credits.
Taught by Monica White.
- LEC 001 – R, 3:30PM – 5:25PM
- B115 Van Vleck Hall
C&E SOC 343: Sociology of Health and Medicineexpand_more
Social, cultural, and structural factors in shaping definitions of health and illness, distribution of disparate health outcomes, and the organization of health professions and healthcare.
Requisites: Sophomore Standing| 3 Credits.
Taught by Frankie Frank.
- LEC 001 – TR, 8:00AM – 9:15AM
- 4308 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 357: Methods of Sociological Inquiryexpand_more
Scientific methods in the study of society; procedures for testing sociological theory: problem definition, hypothesis construction, collection and evaluation of data. Practical experience conducting small research projects.
Requisites: Sophomore standing or (SOC 181, C&E SOC/SOC 140, 210, or 211)| 3-4 Credits.
Taught by Chaeyoon Lim, Jimin Gim, and Bijoyetri Samaddar.
- LEC 001 – MW, 9:55AM – 10:45AM
- 6104 Sewell Social Sciences
Choose ONE of six discussion sections:
- DIS 301 – MW, 2:25PM – 3:15PM
- 2339 Sterling Hall
- DIS 302 – MW, 3:30PM – 4:20PM
- 2339 Sterling Hall
- DIS 303 – TR, 9:55AM – 10:45AM
- 6125 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 304 – TR, 11:00AM – 11:50AM
- 6125 Sewell Social Sciences
- DIS 305 – TR, 1:20PM – 2:10PM
- 2333 Sterling Hall
- DIS 306 – TR, 2:25PM – 3:15PM
- 2333 Sterling Hall
C&E SOC 360: Statistics for Sociologists Iexpand_more
Presentation of sociological data; descriptive statistics; probability theory and statistical inference; estimation and tests of hypotheses; regression and correlation and the analysis of contingency tables.
Requisites: Satisfied Quantitative Reasoning (QR) A requirement | 4 Credits.
Taught by Christine Schwartz.
- LEC 001 – MW, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 5106 Sewell Social Sciences
Choose ONE of four lab sections:
- LAB 301 – R, 8:50AM – 10:45AM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
- LAB 302 – R, 11:00AM – 12:55PM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
- LAB 303 – R, 1:20PM – 3:15PM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
- LAB 304 – R, 3:30PM – 5:25PM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 361: Statistics for Sociologists IIexpand_more
Applied linear regression modeling for social scientists. Bivariate and multiple regression, dummy variables, interactions, nonlinear relationships, indirect effects and omitted variable bias, outliers, heteroskedasticity, and mulitcollinearity; associated diagnostics and corrections. Use of Stata and/or SAS for dataset creation and analysis.
Requisites: SOC/C&E SOC 360, ECON 310, PSYCH 210, GEOG 360, STAT/MATH 310, STAT 301, or graduate/professional standing | 4 Credits.
Taught by Theodore Gerber and Griffin Bur.
- LEC 001 – TR, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 4028 Vilas Hall
Choose ONE of two lab sections:
- LAB 301 – M, 9:55AM – 11:50AM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
- LAB 302 – M, 1:20PM – 3:15PM
- 3218 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 375: The Palestinians expand_more
Specialized topics in community and environmental sociology. In-depth investigation into the sociological aspects of a variety of community and environmental issues, such as globalization, climate change, social and environmental sustainability, technology.
Requisites: None | 3 Credits.
Taught by Samer Alatout.
- LEC 002 – F, 1:20PM – 3:15PM
- 10 Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 399: Coordinative Internship/Cooperative Education expand_more
An internship under guidance of a faculty or instructional academic staff member in Community and Environmental Sociology and internship site supervisor. Students are responsible for arranging the work and credits with the UW-Madison instructor and the internship site supervisor.
Requisites: Consent of instructor | 1-8 Credits.
- IND 075 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Randy Stoecker.
C&E SOC 475: Classical Sociological Theoryexpand_more
Classical theory; Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and other important classical theorists and schools of thought.
Requisites: Sophomore standing or (SOC 181, C&E SOC/SOC 140, 210, or 211) | 3 Credits.
Taught by Robert Freeland and Chad Goldberg.
Choose ONE of two lecture sections:
- LEC 301 – TR, 11:00AM – 12:15PM
- 1257 Computer Sciences
- LEC 303 – TR, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 1217 Mosse Humanities Building
C&E SOC 533: Public Health in Rural & Urban Communities expand_more
Sociological approaches to community, rural, and public health. Examines epidemiological evidence for and policy solutions to health issues that impact vulnerable populations in diverse geographic and social settings. Topics include mental health, environmental and occupational health, preventive care, substance abuse.
Requisites: SOC 181, C&E SOC/SOC 140, 210, or 211 | 3 Credits.
Taught by Malia Jones.
- LEC 001 – MW, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 119 Babcock Hall
C&E SOC 652: Sociology of Economic Institutionsexpand_more
Sociological perspectives on the organization of the firm, financial markets, and work, intermediate associations (unions, ethnic economies), the state, and the international economy. Contrast between neoclassical, traditional institutionalist, post-fordist, and neo-fordist perspectives on the nature and evolution of these institutions.
Requisites: Junior standing | 3 Credits.
Taught by Robert Freeland.
- LEC 001 – TR, 2:30PM – 3:45PM
- 1221 Mosse Humanities Building
C&E SOC 699: Special Problemsexpand_more
Individual advanced work in an area of Community and Environmental Sociology under the direct guidance of a faculty member.
Requisites: Consent of instructor | 1-4 Credits.
- IND 075 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Randy Stoecker.
- IND 076 – Sept. 4 – Dec 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Samer Alatout.
C&E SOC 750: Research Methods in Sociologyexpand_more
Sociological perspectivesApplication of scientific methods to the analysis of social phenomena; methodological orientations in sociology; types of research procedure: nature of sociological variables.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 3 Credits.
Taught by Chaeyoon Lim.
- LEC 001 – W, 3:00PM – 5:30PM
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 875: Special Topicsexpand_more
Advanced topics in sociology. Topics vary.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-4 Credits.
Interdis Trn Sem Ed Sciences:
- SEM 001 – F, 12:00PM – 1:30PM
- Taught by Eric Grodsky.
Res in Qualitative Methodology:
- SEM 003 – M, 12:00PM – 1:30PM
- Taught by Sadie Dempsey and Katherine Jensen.
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
WHAT (Wis Hist Analysis Table):
- SEM 004 – F, 2:15PM – 3:45PM
- Taught by Chad Goldberg.
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
Res Experimental Methodology:
- SEM 005 – R, 4:00PM – 5:30PM
- Taught by Chloe Hart and Fabien Accominotti.
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
Spatial Thinking:
- SEM 006 – R, 12:15PM – 1:30PM
- Taught by Katherine Curtis.
- 301 Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 945: Farm as Socio-environ Endeavorexpand_more
Theory and research in alternate semesters in rural aspects of population, stratification, social change, and groups and institutions.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 3 Credits.
Taught by William Tracy and Michael Bell.
- SEM 001 – W, 2:55PM – 5:25PM
- 354A Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 982: Interdepartmental Seminar in the Latin-American Areaexpand_more
Interdisciplinary inquiry in Latin American society and culture.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 3 Credits.
Taught by Marcella Hayes
- SEM 004 – R, 2:25PM – 5:25PM
- 2349 Engineering Hall
C&E SOC 985: Research: Community and Environmental Sociologyexpand_more
Critical analysis of recent theoretical and methodological issues through presentations of research in progress.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-3 Credits.
- SEM 001 – W, 12:15PM – 1:30PM
- 354A Agricultural Hall
C&E SOC 987: Research: Race and Ethnic Studiesexpand_more
Analysis of recent research and theory, based on reviews of literature and presentations of research in progress.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-3 Credits.
Taught by Mosi Ifatunji
- SEM 001 – W, 10:30AM – 12:15PM
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 990: Researchexpand_more
Independent graduate research under supervision of a faculty member.
Requisites: Consent of instructor| 1-12Credits.
- IND 071 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Michael Bell.
- IND 099 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Annie Jones.
C&E SOC 993: Research: Sociology of Economic Change Traineesexpand_more
Presentations of research in progress concerning social and economic change in developing countries.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-3 Credits.
Taught by Joseph Conti.
- SEM 001 – R, 12:30PM – 3:30PM
- 8108 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 995: Research: Methodology Traineesexpand_more
Workshop on social science research methods and professional development, e.g. ethics, communication, data management, novel research methods.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-3 Credits.
Taught by Max Besbris.
- SEM 001 – W, 2:00PM – 3:15PM
- 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 997: Research: Demography and Ecology Traineesexpand_more
Interdisciplinary training workshop on current research in population science from scholars at research and teaching institutions around the world.
Requisites: Graduate/professional standing | 1-3 Credits.
Taught by Katherine Curtis
- SEM 001 – T, 12:15PM – 1:30PM
- 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
C&E SOC 999: Reading and Researchexpand_more
Independent graduate research under supervision of a faculty member.
Requisites: Consent of instructor | 1-3 Credits.
- IND 071 – Sept. 4 – Dec. 11 (A1)
- Supervised by Michael Bell.